What our Customers say...

Cleaning Testimonials

Excellent Job!!

SERVPRO Of Greensburg staff were awesome!  Highly professional and reliable.  Thanks Again!

SERVPRO Of Greensburg's Terrie explained everything in detail and was very courteous.

SERVPRO Of Greensburg Tech's were very good employees and did a very good job.

SERVPRO Of Greensburg's Tech Terrie was very helpful and thorough.

Everything was great! Thank you SERVPRO of Greensburg!

SERVPRO Of Greensburg's Terrie was prompt, courteous and professional.  She was excellently trained & took extra time to thoroughly answer all of my questions and fair pricing as  well.

SERVPRO Of Greensburg's service provides a great level of comfort in presenting a clean work environment.  The staff were very good - from the first phone call to the cleaning staff on site.  Thank you so much!

We are selling our home.  SERVPRO of Greensburg came onsite to clean all our carpets.  Terrie (the SERVPRO Tech.) was very professional and courteous. When ask what SERVPRO could do to improve the performance in the future, the answer is nothing it was perfect.  Great job!

The SERVPRO of Greensburg staff did a great job cleaning our home.  Thank you!

SERVPRO of Greensburg's Terrie did an awesome job cleaning and carpet cleaning in our home. Thanks!

The SERVPRO cleaning crew worked very hard and did a nice job.  If I need more things done in the future, I will call your company again.

Had whole house carpet cleaning.  Terrie was very professional and did a very nice job. Would definitely use our services again.

Words cannot express my heartfelt thanks to Colette for her kindness, encouraging words and professionalism that she shared with me during the cleaning of my Dad's house.  She helped me through a very difficult situation.

Original estimate was for 10-15 day restoration effort which was completed in 8 actual work days.  Calls were returned promptly and staff (office & field) were knowledgeable and informative.